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Global Advocate Network

The KidsOR Global Advocates Network

The KidsOR Global Advocates Network is a worldwide networking and advocacy platform started by Kids Operating Room (KidsOR) to advocate for the plight of the world’s children denied access to surgery.

KidsOR is a global health International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO)/charity based in Scotland, United Kingdom. We believe in a world where every child has equal access to safe surgery. We have a fourfold mission to realise this vision:

  • Provide dedicated, specialist facilities and equipment for children’s surgery in low-resource settings.
  • Support existing surgical teams to deliver safe surgery for children.
  • Develop a global, multi-disease, multi-centre, paediatric surgical database and build local research capacity.
  • Advocate on the global plight of children denied access to safe surgery.
  • We are cognizant of the need to mobilise and leverage a diverse mass of stakeholders so as to realise our mission and vision for the world’s children, especially the poor and vulnerable children with surgical care needs, and in turn, contribute to global health’s aspirations for “Health For All”.


    To elevate and firmly position global children’s surgery on the global health and national health agenda by mobilising, growing, and leveraging a critical mass of global paediatric surgery enthusiasts and supporters to bring about concerted global and national action on and financing critical to realising equitable and timely access to safe and affordable surgery for children.


    A world where every child has equal access to safe surgery.


    1) Work with children’s surgery and child health advocates to raise awareness about and funding for global children’s surgery in different spaces.

    2) Advocate for including of children’s surgery in national, regional, and global health and development policies.

    3) Provide and facilitate an international collaborative platform for enthusiasts and supporters of global paediatric surgery to interface with KidsOR intervention and our paediatric surgery advocacy, and share lessons learned. The enthusiasts and supporters are not limited to individuals, students, associations, NGOs, civil society, academia, and patient groups.

    Are you interested in volunteering with KidsOR? The Global Advocate Network allows you to join our journey and discover unique and engaging ways that you can volunteer with us. Global Advocates can get involved in a variety of different ways from utilising their social media skills, spreading awareness of current global health issues, to advocating for our work and getting involved in fundraising activities within their community.

    Register your interest below.

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    Please note: We will only use your e-mail address to contact you about the global advocate network, to provide you with information packs about the area of volunteering you have indicated an interest in and to invite you to the KidsOR Global Advocate Network Slack channel.

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